Debates about geocentricity are rampant throughout the internet,
spawned chiefly through the efforts of Amnon Goldberg of Tel Aviv and
Marshall Hall of Georgia. One of the key arguments involves observing
the motion of the stars from another location, particularly, from the surface
of the moon. Several years ago the creationist astronomer Don
deYoung attacked geocentricity in the pages of Australia's Creation Ex
Nihilo magazine and made the same charge, that the astronauts on the
moon saw the earth turning. At the time we noted that the claim was
equivalent to saying that a person sitting on a the horse of a merry-go-
round, upon seeing all sides of the central engine fixed to the earth,
would have proven that the engine and the ground rotated and that the
horse and platform stood still. And that is how I've challenged those who
make such claims, namely, Show me using a merry-go-round how the
view of the landscape from its platform is different than the view from its
For those who have difficulty picturing this, here is my response to
the question of How long does it take the moon to revolve around the
the sky rotates left to right; As for the moon, it moves even faster from right to left against the
starry background than does the sun, so it moves even slower to the
left and thus takes longer to complete one rotation (roughly 24 hrs, 45
Dr. Bouw Just Doesn't Get It!
In an e-mail sent from one subscriber to another, mention was made
of the article entitled The Bible Code which appeared in the Winter
1998 issue of the Biblical Astronomer, No. 83, p. 21. The article was
critical of the recent flap about the secret codes found in the Bible by
equidistant spacing of letters. The correspondent claimed Dr. Bouw just
doesn't get it and deemed the process to be God honoring and in keeping
with the inspiration of the text.
I beg to differ. In the February 1998 issue of the Berean Call there is
an article by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon entitled Back to the Bible
'Code'? Two of these miraculous coincidences, both found in
Leviticus, are Joshua is my name and the blood of Joshua, which are
heralded by Evangelicals as the greatest discovery and most convincing
proof ever revealed. Here are some of the discoveries which are not as
well known as the miraculous ones published thus far.
(These frequencies use skip sequences up to 1000 letters.) For those of you who still think that I don't get it, consider what the
Bible says:
Isaiah 48:16 Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken
in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and
now the Lord GOD, and his Spirit, hath sent me. (Emphasis added.)
Deuteronomy 30:11 For this commandment which I command thee
this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off.