Shortly after the Winter 1998 issue was finished, we were saddened
by the news that Walter van der Kamp had passed away in his sleep.
Walter was the founder of the Tychonian Society, the original name for
the Association for Biblical Astronomy. The founding of the Tychonian
Society happened as follows.
In 1967 Walter privately published and circulated a rough draft of a
booklet called The Heart of the Matter. Walter sent it to about fifty
people and institutions, from whom he garnered four encouraging
responses. Among those was the late Harold Armstrong, one of the
founders of the Creation Research Society, and first editor of its quarterly
journal. The booklet was printed in January 1968. In Walter's own
words, it went nowhere fast. He composed a second short treatise entitled
Airy Reconsidered, which he stenciled in 1968 but not distributed
until 1970. It was dubbed thought provoking by George Mulfinger in
the Bible-Science Newsletter of July-August 1971. Encouraged by this
appraisal, and abetted by a few friends and relatives, Walter founded an
informal organization called the Tychonian Society. Thus he began to
publish the Bulletins of the Tychonian Society, the first few of which
were handwritten and copied on a Gestetner. These were done on a
freewill offering basis, and when cash ran out in 1971, Walter burned
most of an issue of which 200 copies had been photocopied, and called it
In the summer of 1974, after an interval of two years, Bulletins No. 6,
was typed and stenciled and sent to subscribers in Canada, the U.S.,
England, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and Australia. Walter
produced all subsequent issues until March, 1984, when he produced No.
37 as his last. Other concerns, some pressing, led him to hand over the
editorship of the then Bulletin of the Tychonian Society to your present
Walter continued to contribute articles throughout the 1980s, but in
1990 disagreements about content, scope, and style led to an amicable
agreement that the name of the Society would be changed to the Association
for Biblical Astronomy, and that the Bulletin of the Tychonian
Society would become the Biblical Astronomer. This would broaden the
scope of the publication to cover other topics in astronomy besides
geocentricity, while Walter would keep all rights to the artwork the
Fourth Day of Creation which had graced all covers of the Bulletin of
the Tychonian Society from issues 16 (May-June, 1977, which was the
first issue to carry the singular, Bulletin, in its title) through 53 (Spring,
1990). He subsequently used that as the cover to all the booklets he published
over the past decade.
It was Harold Armstrong who first alerted me to Walter's existence
when in 1976, in writing about the diversity of opinions and views in the
Creationist movement, he mentioned Walter as an extreme case where a
Creationist advocated the literality of Scripture to the point of a stationary
earth. As an undergraduate at the University of Rochester in Rochester,
New York, I'd taken enough relativity theory to know that neither
heliocentrism nor geocentricity could be proven or disproven, and so I
fired off a letter to Walter asking, in effect, which Scriptures? I'm
afraid that Walter sent more philosophy than Scriptures, but he did mention
Psalms 73 and 104:5. I found them rather weak so I set forth on a
three-week, six-days-per-week, sixteen-hours-per-day study to determine
the truth of the matter insofar as the Bible was concerned. Because at the
time I didn't know where the Scriptures were to be found, (so I had to
flounder around in the original Hebrew,) at the end of the three weeks I
could only determine that the Scriptures were probably geocentric. My
analysis was printed in Bulletins No. 13, in 1976. Since then the Scriptural
case has been solidified.
In 1978 Walter and I met face-to-face at the conference on Absolutes,
held at the Cleveland State University. Among the attendees at that conference
were Hussein Yilmaz, then just on his own from M.I.T., and the
late Stefan Marinov, whose suicide last year is taking on an increasingly
ominous aura (see Panorama in this issue). Through Walter's pioneering
work in pointing out the geocentric nature of Airy's failure and the
Michelson-Morley experiments, Walter may truly be called the father of
modern geocentricity; and he is the father of my geocentric zeal. I recall
the void left in my life by the deaths of each of my parents, and Walter,
too, left a void. He will be sorely missed here, in earth, by all who knew
him. |