Some of our
readers believe he was born in March, others, those like your editor who
believe he ministered for three and a half years starting at age 30, believe
he was born in late August or early September of 2 B.C.
In this issue we continue with our assault on the ignorance of world-
ling and Christian alike. My heart was broken last week at a meeting of
Stan Johnson's Prophecy Club. I'm not a disciple of his, but his group
does bring interesting and controversial speakers into the area. I'll not
identify the particular speaker, for it wasn't primarily his fault, but I was
struck with the lack of sound doctrine among the audience and the
speaker. All felt free to change the words of the Holy Bible: to add
words, delete words, and to change words. And it occurred to me, as if
I'd forgotten, that this was foretold by the prophet Amos as well as by the
Apostle Paul.
Hardly anyone in attendance believed the Scriptures as written; and
why should they? No two of the many different bibles around agree
with each other, though all agree that the AV is the worst version ever.
Why should Christians not be confused? If the Bible is not trustworthy in
reporting the events of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:3), or if 1
John 5:7 doesn't belong in the Bible because it is a late addition, who
can trust anything written in the Bible. Why call it the Holy Bible if it is
full of errors as attested to by the multitude of omissions and footnotes
informing us that the best and most ancient versions omit this or that, or
that some late manuscripts add this or that?
And so it has come to pass that the Bible is no longer viewed as an
authority on anything. Man is the ultimate authority, even to the Christian.
O, lip service is given to some non-existent original autographs,
but we don't have them so there's no way we can know what they said.
What kind of an authority is that? The people in the audience last week
were tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine (Eph. 4:14). People
look to scholars to tell them what is in the Bible. They see success as indicating
God's blessings. They have forgotten that the friendship of this
world is enmity with God; that it is required of a servant that he be found
faithful, not successful. The only thing left for them to do is to rely upon
their works. And that is what they are doing. Save yourself by stockpiling
food and guns; buy gold and silver for the troubles to come; hate the
brethren who hold to the pre-tribulation rapture for they are fools (Mat.
5:22); if you don't picket abortion centers you'll go to hell, even if you
speak out against abortion publicly; if you oppose a wicked government
you'll be found opposing God, so don't stand up against such government
and you'll please God by your work of faith: these are typical comments
and attitudes. Throughout, those who hold fast to the King James Bible
are dismissed as troublemakers, dividers of the church, who must be suppressed
at all cost.
The wanderers see conspiracies in everything. They see conspiracies
where there are none such as in heliocentrism and evolutionism, (where
any conspiracy was limited to a small group of men such as the London
Geological Society and lasted less than two decades). They think that
man's landing on the moon is a hoax; that the government suppresses
knowledge of the monuments on Mars and moon; that there were no Jews
prior to the twelfth century; that God has hidden secrets in the Bible
which secrets can only be recovered through numerology or code
analysis, etc. Each of these beliefs is grossly in error, but they absorb
precious resources and keep people from the truth.
And then they fail to see conspiracies which do persist such as the
fourth century heresy that only the original autographs are inerrant, which
is used to discredit the King James Bible. We address several of these
matters in the current issue. May the Lord allow that only the truth is
remembered by the readers, and that my errors will be manifest.
See The Star of Bethlehem in The Geocentric Papers. Lord willing
and I don't forget, a reworking of that paper wich first appeared in the
Winter issue of the Creation Research Society Quarterly in 1980 will
be published in the Fall issue of the Biblical Astronomer.