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First of all, we did have winners (American and foreign) in the riddle contest of last issue. The correct answer was a whale.

In this issue we take a look at extraterrestrial life. Timothy Unruh's lead-off article looks at the UFO phenomenon. Just how real are UFOs and whence are they? And in “Panorama” we examine NASA's claim that bacteria fossils may have been found in a meteorite believed to be from Mars. The evidence is most underwhelming.

Also in this issue we continue our look at a theory of theories. Last time we examined the history of science and the development of theories down to today's quantum mechanics. Here we look at the reason for formulating a theory, the structure and form of theory and introduce the notion of a space of theories. In a future issue we shall examine said space of theories and note how, from that perspective, certain insoluble aspects of theories arise and how that leaves unanswerable certain questions.

New Book

Your editor has finished another book. This one deals with problem texts: passages in the Bible which are problematic or even seem contradictory. It is hoped that the printer will be finished the early part of 1997. The book has about 250 pages and specializes in the truly difficult problems such as Ahaziah's age when he started to reign (2 Ki. 8:26 versus 2 Chr. 22:2) and the number of times the rooster crowed during Peter's denials of Jesus. The final chapter deals exclusively with problem texts which exist only in the King James Bible. A total of 230 problems are covered without recourse to copyist errors or any critical apparatus, be it higher or lower. The book is complete with an extensive index.

Pre-publication Specials

In order to help raise the money needed for publication, we are offering a pre-publication special. We are making the book available to our readers for a price of $12 postpaid ($10 plus $2 shipping). Or renew your membership before December 1 (January 1, 1997 overseas,) and receive the book free with your renewal. After that date, renewing members may purchase the book for an additional $5.00 (total $30) postpaid. Subscribers renewing their subscriptions may order the book at a special pre-publication price of $7.00 postpaid.

Translated from WS2000 on 14 February 2005 by ws2html.