Indeed, the
founding fathers of the American Constitution stated that the constitution
would only work for a nation founded upon the Holy Bible, and that it is
totally inadequate for a nation founded on something else, such as
humanism. So it is, too, with science.
Science is a quest for truths (not truth, just truths) based on reason.
Science could only develop in a Judeo-Christian society because only
there is the universe seen as reasonable. The basis for that reasonable
view is found in Isaiah 1:18, where God says: Come now, and let us
reason together. By contrast, the other gods of the world are capricious
and inconsistent in behavior. Such doesn't lead one to suspect a
reasonable universe.
On the frontier
The frontier of science the real, rugged, frontier resides in the
area of quantum mechanics. That area deals not only with the behavior
of fundamental particles, but with the essence of the creation, with linguistics,
and with math; even with theology. Now quantum mechanics
has come under fire in Christian and creationist circles in recent years, so
before we can proceed we need to examine the reasons for that conflagration.
Is that fire justified, or is it the result of an incomplete understanding
of quantum mechanics? It is my claim that the latter is the case.
The heart of the objection to quantum mechanics is characterized by
Einstein's statement that God does not play dice. Einstein made that
statement as a critique of quantum mechanics, a theory to which he never
subscribed. Christian scientists object to quantum mechanics on the same
grounds. They reason that if chance governs the universe then there can
be no room for the sovereignty of God. On the surface, the charge seems
justified, but if we turn to the Bible instead of our own understanding, it
turns out that the objection is grossly overrated. God himself admits the
existence of chance in Deuteronomy 22:6. Jesus (who is God incarnate)
does the same in Luke 10:31. Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy
Ghost, uses the word in 1 Corinthians 15:37, albeit in a questionable context.
Ecclesiastes 9:11 states that time and chance happeneth to all. If
we are to take the Holy Bible at its word, we are forced to conclude that
chance is real.
Yet there persists a certain type of intellectual who insists that there
must be a conflict between chance and the sovereignty of God. Apparently
his intelligence (or maybe his faith?) is not enough to see that
God's sovereignty also extends to chance: that God also rules chance.
But what of chance in quantum mechanics? Is quantum mechanics
really founded on blind Godless chance? Actually, opinion on that question
is divided in the quantum camp. The problem is not difficult to see.
Experiments show that the fundamental building blocks of matter, the
elementary particles, move in waves. It was this experimental observation
which led to the formulation of quantum mechanics in the first place.
Since particles are waves, they are larger than a point. Traditional, classical
mechanics is based on the notion that a mass or particle can be represented
as a point of zero size yet having mass or energy. This works fine
for the sun, moon and planets, but it does not work for fundamental particles
or even for molecules.
This is not to suggest that classical physics cannot be modified to account
for extended particles; it can. Philosophically, classical mechanics
shows a universe with a point to it, quantum mechanics appears to
provide a pointless universe. The resolution lies in that the point, the
reason for the creation of the universe, is not physical but spiritual, as is
recorded in Romans 9:22 vf. So one should not be surprised that from a
physical perspective, the universe is pointless.
Since fundamental particles behave as waves, they have a size, an extent.
Their presence is spread throughout the wave. In other words, if the
particle is a wave, then where is that wave? Unlike in classical
mechanics, one cannot pick an infinitesimally small point and say Here
is the wave. The wave's presence is spread from trough to trough. This
forces one to use statistics or probability to determine the position of the
wave and so, to explain the behavior of the particle. This is where chance
enters the quantum mechanical picture. But does the use of chance or
probability really preclude determinism and control: the sovereignty of
The Schroedinger cat paradox
To explore the role of chance in quantum mechanics, consider the
Schroedinger cat paradox. The statement of the cat paradox is contrived
for effect (one could just as well use the toss of a coin) but here goes.
Imagine a cat enclosed in a box with a bottle of prussic acid (World War
I nerve gas). The bottle is stoppered, but there is a hammer suspended
over the bottle. The hammer is latched to a device which is triggered by
a geiger counter. A radioactive substance is placed in the box. If the
geiger counter goes off, the hammer falls and breaks the bottle, killing the
cat. Now the box is left alone for one hour. At the end of the hour there
is an even chance that the geiger counter will have triggered the release
of the hammer. The task at hand is to derive the equation of state of the
system, to derive the formula which will allow (maybe even predict)
whether or not the cat will live or die in any particular hour. It turns out
that when the equation is derived, there is no solution unless both cases
happen. That is, the equation can only be solved if the cat both lives and
dies. Of course, this result is paradoxical, it cannot happen and so the
problem is called the Schroedinger cat paradox.
Now there are two schools of thought on resolving the paradox. The
most esoteric of the two is known as the Copenhagen school. Its advocates
assume that the universe splits in two and that in one universe the
cat lives, and in the other it dies. According to them, with every chance
event the universe splits into several parts, each part for one of the possible
outcomes. If, for example, the chance of the cat dying was one in
three, then the universe would split into three parts: one with a dead cat
and two with a living cat. Here, too, there are two schools of thought.
The one believes that all the universes exist independent of one another
for ever while the other believes that eventually, in a short time, all but
one (ours) of the universes fade out of existence.
The alternative to the Copenhagen school, insofar as the solution to
the cat paradox is concerned, is that something or someone decides
which outcome will happen. Here, too, opinion is divided. Some believe
that it is the observer decides the outcome simply by looking at the box.
Others speculate that the cat decides. A few (such as this author) hold
that God decides. What is significant for our discussion is that in none of
these quantum mechanical schools of thought is the decision attributed to
Deterministic quantum mechanics
Now we consider a different aspect of chance in quantum mechanics.
We noted that chance is a biblical thing. And from the Schroedinger cat
paradox it seems that on the one hand, chance is a quantum mechanical
thing, too, while on the other hand, quantum mechanics demands that
chance or randomness be somehow removed from chance events. Apparently
the Schroedinger cat paradox is not totally resolved.
But there is another type of quantum mechanics, one which is deterministic.
This view started in 1952 when David Bohm derived his
hidden variable version of quantum mechanics. Bohm's model is experimentally
indistinguishable from the conventional model.3 According
to Bohm, there is in addition to the usual concept of force, a quantum
potential which may cause particles to veer off course and produce interference
patterns and the like. The quantum potential is described as a
deus ex machina, a god from a machine. Reading between the lines,
the quantum potential is part and parcel of the fabric of space and as such
is a controlled form of chance. Biblically, time and chance may happen
to all, but to those that love God, all things work together for good.4 In
other words, what chance there is is controlled for good. Likewise, the
believer in Christ is predestinated to be conformed to his image.5
There is a problem with Bohm's theory. It violates the Lorentz invariance
(read relativity) when considering individual particle events.
However, since all quantum mechanical models share this concept of
non-locality; if non-locality exists, then it is necessary that relativity be
violated at the local (sub-microscopic) level. Apparently the problems of
quantum mechanics, namely their infinities, may actually be the result of
insisting that relativity apply to local particle events. In other words, the
theory of relativity is null and void at the scale of atoms and smaller.
Next: What is a theory?
Bible Puzzle
Adam, God made out of dust, but thought it best to make me first; so I
was made before man to answer God's most holy plan. A living being I
became and Adam gave to me my name. I, from his presence then
withdrew, and more of Adam never knew. I did my maker's law obey
nor ever went from it astray. Thousands of miles I go in fear, but seldom
on earth appear. For purpose wise which God did see, he put a living
soul in me. A soul from me God did claim and took from me the soul
again. So when from me the soul had fled, I was the same as when first
made. And without hands or feet or soul I travel from pole to pole. O
labor hard by day, by night to follow men I give great light. Thousands
of people, young and old, will by my death great light behold.
No right or wrong can I conceive, the Scriptures I cannot believe. Although
my name therein is found, they are to me an empty sound. No
fear of death doth trouble me, real happiness I'll never see. To heaven I
shall never go, or to hell below. Who am I?
A free 1997 subscription went to the first person to solve the riddle.
For a biblical perspective on modern liberalism see Isaiah 32:5.
2 For evidence, I suggest the video tape: America's Godly Heritage,
produced by Wall Builders, Inc., Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008.
3 D. Bohm and B. J. Hiley, 1993. The Undivided Universe, (Routledge:
4 Romans 8:28.
5 Romans 8:29.