Bear in mind that it is the properties of the firmament which dictate the
laws of physics. Those properties determine the speed of light, the
strength of a gravitational pull, the charges of the electron and proton, the
behavior of entropy (that is, the second law of thermodynamics), and,
among other things, the amount of energy a body has for a given rate of
spin. All these will behave the same way in either a large-scale or a
small-scale universe.
Now, although the properties of the firmament determine the laws of
physics, the presence of elementary particles (protons, electrons, and the
particle zoo) adds some additional constraints. One of those constraints
is that the firmament, carrying the universe of atoms along with it, must
rotate as a solid body. Since the scriptural model is that of a universe
rotating about the earth with a period of one day, it might seem
reasonable that a small universe would better fit into the Bible's view, but
such is not the case. It turns out that, if the universe is small, and if it is
to rotate with a period of 24 hours, then either a totally unknown physics
holds it together as it spins, or else it is a miracle, or else one needs to invoke
the theory of relativity to hold the universe together. In contrast, the
current large-scale cosmology naturally gives a rotation period of one
The small universe and the nature of miracles
Consider the three possibilities for the small-scale universe. First,
Harald Heinze denies the validity of relativity and so cannot invoke it to
keep a daily-rotating small universe together. Second, invoking an unknown
physics to hold it together is rank speculation and has no place in
this discussion unless a specific model is presented. So far, we have only
vague references to something called plasma physics which Mr. Heinze
has invoked without any specific references, beyond the invocation of the
name of physicist Hannes Alfven. Unfortunately, nothing I've read by
Alfven suggests a new physics of the type required. Indeed, I've seen
nothing which suggests that Alfven believes in anything but a large
universe. If Mr. Heinze wants to pursue this point he must at least give
complete references into the literature or, best of all, be willing to send
(or loan) copies of the articles to his critics. This is not to suggest that
Mr. Heinze has never sent such copies, he has, but every time it's been
either just an abstract or a page or two excerpted from an article. Half of
it is material with which I have no great controversy. However, about his
main theory, Mr. Heinze has sent me neither copy nor reference to anything
about plasma physics. Unsubstantiated claims and charges I won't
and can't work with.
This brings up the third possibility and one not claimed by Mr.
Heinze: suppose the small universe is held together by a miracle. Since a
miracle is a phenomenon which runs contrary to natural laws, it follows
that there cannot be a naturalistic explanation for the small universe if it
is miraculously maintained. Now, since Jesus Christ is the underlying
foundation of the universe, that is, he is its sustainer and since the
physics of the universe is dictated by the properties of the created firmament
which, in turn, is the foundation of the universe, it is reasonable to
conclude that the supernatural miracle, the sustainment, occurs below
that created foundation, not above it as would be the case for the
miraculous model. In other words, the miracle lies between the omnipresent
God (in the person of Jesus Christ) and the created firmament.
This is consistent with Revelation 3:14 where Jesus is proclaimed to be
the beginning of the creation of God. (This does not mean that Jesus
was, himself, created.)
And so we find the place of the miraculous foundation of the
universe. We start with the Word of God, Jesus Christ, who miraculously
created heaven and earth. After that, light is created and then the firmament
which, in turn, specifies how the created material things move and
physically interact. At the beginning of creation lies a miracle which
needs to be sustained. For example, if God were not omnipresent, the firmament,
indeed the entire universe, would cease their existence in the
tiniest fraction of a second. There lies the sustaining power. The things
created after that obey the laws endued them. That is why the natural
man cannot obey God's laws, because these are supernatural. That is
why our salvation is from the foundation of the earth, from the dawn of
creation, and why it is by grace (by miracle) and not of works (of the
Finally, the point is this. If the universe is small, and if the Bible is to
be believed when it says that the universe rotates once a day about the
earth, then either one has to invoke the theory of relativity to hold the
universe together as it spins, or something holds it together about which
mankind knows nothing, in which case we may as well call it a miracle.
If this is the case, there is no point in continuing to discuss the matter
since we'd only debate ignorance.
Evidently, Mr. Heinze does not accept that rotation, apparently holding
the view that the earth does the rotation. (Indeed, it's not clear
whether or not he believes that the earth revolves around the sun. His entire
thrust is directed at the matter of the size of the universe.) As a result
he is not bothered by the constraint that the universe must rotate once per
day and so he is free to dismiss that as irrelevant. But for biblicists, this
issue is the most relevant. Unlike some other small-universe advocates
such as Walter van der Kamp, Marshall Hall, and Amnon Goldberg,
Harald Heinze makes no theological arguments for the necessity of a
small universe. It seems that his entire thrust is that because there are uncertainties
in the measurements and disagreement among astronomers,
that the large-universe model is thus disproven and the small universe
model is proven. Clearly, this is a non-sequitur.
The letter:
I received back my letter with remarks. You asked for
formulae and the Math. Okay. Here you have it.
Figure 1: Harald Heinze's exposition of his theory.
But let me point out, that mathematics has deceived almost the whole physicist
community, otherwise they could not have followed such crazy
philosophies as relativity and quantum mechanics. [In what follows, note
how the math of the small universe is declared as proven and trustworthy
while the math of the large universe is declared as deceptive and untrustworthy.
Understand, dear reader, that there is nothing wrong with
the math of relativity and quantum mechanics. Their problems stem from
certain erroneous assumptions and interpretations, not from mathematical
errors.] Now, first of all, your theory of the big-size universe stands
and falls beside other considerations with the correct understanding of the
nature of light. It seems to me, that you favor the wave theory and ether-
concepts (of Aspden, f.i.). Now I have irrefutable evidence, [no
reference and no evidence presented] that the wave theory is untenable.
Look at the enclosed copies, describing the fault of Michelson's experi
ment in 1913. There you see, that Michelson made a very serious mistake,
he OVERLOOKED the fact, that the mirror turns itself. If that is
corrected, you get EXACTLY the ballistic theory of light! [The point of
that paper is that both the ballistic theory and the wave theory can account
for Michelson's observation. Michelson had erroneously claimed
that his observation disproved the ballistic theory. Since both theories
can account for the observation, if this is the aforementioned irrefutable
evidence, mentioned by Harald, then he has totally deluded himself here
in presenting this as a proof for the ballistic theory. An observation
explainable by two competing theories cannot be held as proof of one
over the other. Besides, this is totally unrelated to why I, personally,
believe the wave model is correct and the ballistic model is in error.
Much on that shortly.] In the meantime, other investigations have been
performed showing and confirming the same: the velocity of light is c+v,
resp. c-v, with respect to the velocity of the source, as measured from the
observer. [No references given and I've never seen any observational
support. I have seen experiments (e.g., by Marinov) which purport to
show that the observer's velocity must be added to or subtracted from the
speed of light, but none involving the source's velocity.] You cannot
refute enclosed calculation, but it shows, that with one single stroke most
of your arguments are nullified concerning the rejection of the small
[How so? The calculation is shown as figure 1. To avoid any
chance of misrepresenting the calculation, this is the exact page
scanned into this document. Actually, Harald's formula there is the very
one used to derive the Doppler shift for orbiting stars, and the formula
has nothing to do with whether the ballistic theory is used or the wave
The problem with the ballistic theory in a small universe is that in
close-binary star systems, with orbital periods of a few hours, one expects
to see multiple images of the stars in their orbits. (For a large
universe the problem expands to include stars with periods of months or
even years.) Consider a star at point 2 in Harald's figure. His ballistic
theory requires that the light be thrown off at the speed of light plus the
orbital speed of the star. For close, rapidly orbiting stars the Doppler
shift shows an orbital speed which may be as high as 200 km/sec or
more. (For most stars the orbital speed is of the order of some tens of
km/sec.) It's the close, rapid binary stars which yield the most
problematic results for the ballistic theory.
Imagine a star located 30 light days from earth and which is not
moving relative to the earth. Then the time it takes a light ray to reach
the earth from the star is 2,592,000 seconds. Now suppose that the star
is a rapidly revolving binary star (some with periods of minutes have now
been detected, but we'll assume 2 hours). In Harald's universe, as in the
large universe, the stars would almost be touching, but in Harald's
universe each would be a bit larger than the earth and would be roughly
20,000, say 30,000 km apart. (We'll give Harald a break by using the
larger value, besides the numbers are easier to work with.) It will take
light 0.1 second to travel from the center of the orbit to its circumference
(the distance indicated by the lengths of the two lines separated by angle
a in Figure 1). Recall that the observed Doppler shift of such close stars
is several hundred kilometers per second. In Harald's universe their
gravitational orbital speed is actually 26 (say 30) km/sec. Any larger,
and the two stars would part company. So Harald then has to explain the
remaining 170 km/sec of the observed Doppler shift. He thinks he can do
so with reference to figure 1, but we'll consider that later, for his explanation
is closely tied to the problem we are about to discover.
Let's now compute how long it will take the ballistic light from the 30
light-day star to reach the earth from different points in its orbit. From
point 1 it will take the aforementioned 2,592,000 seconds plus the time it
takes light to cross the orbit (twice 0.1 second). That is, the time is
2,592,000.2 seconds. At point 2, instead of the photon hurtling to earth
at 300,000 km/sec, in the ballistic model it's speed is 300,200 km/sec. At
that rate it will reach the earth in 2,590,273 seconds. As far as the stars
are concerned, a half hour elapsed between points 1 and 2 (1/4 of the
two-hour orbital period), but as seen from earth, the light's travel time
from point 2 is 1,727 seconds (28.8 minutes) less than the time it takes
from point 1. Now the photons from point 1 left 30 minutes before the
photons from point 2, but because the photons from point 2 travel 200
km/sec faster than those from point 1, they catch up to them, closing the
distance between them to the point that they reach the earth only 1.2
minutes later than the light from point 1. In other words, as seen from
earth the companion star will appear to trace a quarter of its orbit in 1.2
minutes. The stars will seem to move from behind one another to the
maximum leftmost separation in 1.2 minutes.
An hour from point 1, the star reaches point 3 and from there the light
takes 2,592,000 seconds (forget the 0.1 second orbital traversal time, it's
not needed to make the point). On earth, the star will appear to zoom to
the right from point 2 for a while and then slow down as it approaches
point 3. Total time to go from points 2 to 3, as seen from earth, is 31.2
minutes. Past point 3 it appears to slow down even more until at point 4,
the photons take 2,593,726 seconds to reach the earth. On earth it will
take 58.8 minutes for the star to go from points 3 to 4, from the companion
being in front the main star to a maximum right-most displacement
of the companion star. The half hour it takes the star to go from
point 4 back to point 1 is seen to happen in 1.2 minutes on earth.
And there's the rub with Harald's model. If we were to take this star
out another couple of light days, a distance still well within Harald's
model, then the light from point 2 will reach earth before the light from
point 1, and somewhere, while we see the star during the half-hour it
takes to apparently travel from points 2 to 3, the light from point 1 will
also arrive. Thus we would see three stars. The main star in the center
of the orbit, the companion at point 1, and the same companion in orbit
between points 2 and 3. In such cases the stars would disappear and
reappear as they go through their orbits. This is emphatically, absolutely,
positively, NOT observed.
Ah, you say, but you said that the true orbital speed was only 30
km/sec, not 200 km/sec. Ok, so instead of it seeming to take 1.2 minutes
to go from points 4 to 1 it takes 8 minutes, and it then takes 38 minutes to
reach point 3, 52 minutes to reach point 4, and 8 more minutes to return
to point 1. This is still a noticeable irregularity which would be shared
by all stars with inclined orbits. The only stars which would appear to
orbit regularly would be those whose orbits lie in the plane of the sky.
And so we see that the evidence from binary stars is against the ballistic
theory of light since it requires that stars appear to orbit each other
in an irregular, jerky motion instead of the observed, smoothly regular
motion and, in some cases at least, stars should appear and disappear as
part of their orbital motions.]
1)all red/blue-shifts measured from either binary star systems and/or
galaxy clusters (at their rim) must be greatly corrected (lowered) if light
from a rotating or orbiting body comes to us. It is easy to show, that the
beginning of the wave front and the end of it comes to us with different
velocities (with the ballistic theory of light). Make a sketch for yourself,
and you see it. With the passage of time the light is under way to us, the
observer, the difference of arrival time of the head and end of that wave
will INCREASE! The different velocities of head and end result in larger
distance between both with the passage of time, on their way to us. That
simply means: bigger red-and/or-blue-shifts are shown in our spectra,
than are really at the sender produced! So it can be, that the red/blue-
shift may be hundreds-yes thousands of times bigger, than really they are
at the spinning or orbiting star. That would give the impression of the
huge distances which you support, erroneously!
[This point relates to the
text at the bottom of Figure 1 which begins You see, that the beginning
and the end of the single wave train
. First of all, an important semantic
point: waves require a transmission medium to undulate (wave) in; no
such medium can have any effect in the ballistic theory of light, anymore
than a bullet needs air to travel through. Mr. Heinze at once decries the
adherence to the dual nature of light while here using the dual nature to
account for the Doppler shifts of stars.
Second, we examine Harald's claim that the beginning and the end
of the single 'wave train' has DIFFERENT velocity, resulting in INCREASING
red and blue-shift, with increasing DISTANCE. This is his
basis for denying the validity of the red shift as an expansion of the
universe. But, as he freely admits, his explanation rises and falls with the
validity of the ballistic theory which is severely damaged by the evidence
from binary stars. Indeed, it should be noted that in a ballistic theory the
beginning and ending of a single photon cannot have different speeds and
so the photon's wavelength is not changed in the interval, anymore than
the point of a bullet can go faster or slower than the end. The reason that
the ballistic theory is not held today is because the variable-number-of-
stars apparitions (which should ballistically appear in a large universe)
and the jerky motions of the small universe do not appear in any way
shape or form. But even if a photon could be stretched out in the way Harald suggests,
in half the cases, the tail of the photon would catch up with the
head, pass it, and reach the earth before the head. In the other half, the
photon would stretch itself longer and longer. This means that there is a
time when the photon is of length zero and has an infinite energy density.
Even at the temperatures in a light bulb, this catch-up time is only 1,000
seconds. From the surface of the sun it's about 300 seconds, but 8
minutes, the time it takes light from the sun to travel to earth, is 480
seconds. One may expect the photon to swallow itself into a black hole,
since it would need infinite energy to expand from zero size, in which
case we should see only about half the light from the sun. But even if the
light did expand beyond zero size, according to the numbers of Heinze's
theory, the light from the sun should have a Doppler shift of (480-
300)/300 or 0.60 which means that the sun would be redshifted to 60%
the speed of light. (For the non-overtaking photon the redshift is 480/300
= 1.60 times the speed of light (ignoring relativity, mind you). The sun
should show no spectral lines as the photons would smear our over a
range of 2.2 times its wavelength.
Third, sorry, but the huge distances I support are not at all based on
redshift. They're based on the experimentally determined values for the
gravitational constant (which relates mass, force and distance), the speed
of light (which relates the permeability and permitivity of space),
Planck's constant (which relates energy and light), the amount of charge
of an electron or proton, and, finally, Boltzmann's constant (which relates
energy to temperature.)]
2)The rotation values, inferred by you in the seventies for the Coma
Cluster is wrong, if the above is correct. [Which, as I've demonstrated
above, it isn't.] The speed values according to redshifts at the rim of
these clusters are so wrong also. So the evidence REQUIRES a MUCH
closer system! [Actually, the speed values of the rim were much lower
than those a third of the way out from the center. None of these objections,
even if true, REQUIRES a MUCH closer system!]
3)It is NOT true, as you wrote, that if those small systems would
rotate many times within the Biblical time frame, we would sense it, resp.
see it (the rotation) over some bigger time intervals in our telescopes or
interferometers. A simple calculation can show you, that, if SUCH a
SMALL system would turn once in a thousand years (6 wound-ups in
6000 years, f.i. of Biblical times), we would NOT see it! [Assuming, of
course, that there is no Doppler shift.] We just started to make SUCH
comparisons only about 100 years ago, and only about 70 years it is ago,
that astronomers started to conceive the nebulae as galaxies. They also
did not start immediately to make such comparisons (see your first calculations
in CRSQ in the seventies!) but, by the way, van Maanen
claimed to have measured star movements in galaxies already in the
twenties! [Here Harald is talking about rotations of galaxies which have
rotational speeds (Doppler) of the order of a couple of hundred km/sec.
My point was that if these are close, and the speeds correct, then we
should have observed the rotation by now (over the last 100 years). As
for van Maanen, he was subsequently shown that those movements he
saw were actually measurement errors on his part. Interestingly, when
astronomers claimed recently to show that there were star movements in
the Magellanic clouds, Mr. Heinze vehemently denied the reality of the
measurements precisely because they supported the large universe.]
4)Your argument on eclipsing binaries confirming big diameters of
stars is therefore wrong also. First of all, most of them are
spectroscopic binaries, complicating the situation by surrounding
nebulosities, lens effects, refraction in the atmospheres of the star etc.
But if the ballistic theory of light is correct (and it is, see above [How's
that?]), then the velocities claimed for the orbiting companion is
greatly mis-calculated! (far too high) and so the diameters, derived from
that fact! [To repeat, there is no end-of-a-wave-catches-up-with-and-
passes-its-beginning effect in either the ballistic or wave theories. For
example, the center of the Milky Way is no more redshifted than are the
nearby stars. But even if the catch-up theory did work, then in the 200
km/sec star case, the speed difference between the start and end of a
wave of Harald's star is 5.2 x 10-13 cm/sec.2 Since the gravitational, orbiting
force is central, the maximum acceleration is perpendicular to the
orbit, towards its center, and this brings up another major problem with
Harald's theory: the maximum radial velocities redshift or blue shift
will be seen at points 1 and 3 in Figure 2 (V1), not at 2 and 4 (V2)
where the shifts are observed to be at a maximum. In the time it takes to
travel to earth (30 days) the wavelength will change by 2,592,000 sec x
5.2 x 10-13 cm/sec = 1.3 x 10-6 cm. This is about a tenth of a wavelength
and would indicate a Doppler shift of 30,000 km/sec, way above the
200 km/sec observed. If the true Doppler shift is due to the 30 km/sec
orbital speed then that would still give a shift of 2,000 km/sec. Mr.
Heinze's model does not survive the math.
Of course, one may claim that the stars are much smaller, but I'm
using the best data we have, observed measurements of stars, and that
claim does not change the situation that in Harald's theory, the maximum
Doppler shift occurs at points 1 and 3 instead of the observed points 2
and 4.]
Figure 2: At point 1, the change in Doppler shift is designated by the distance
labeled V1. This is the speed added to the speed of light by a photon released a fraction
of a second after the one emitted from point 1. At point 2, the ballistic photon
speed is c+V, but an instant later, the resulting photon speed is c+V-V2.
5)You write, velocities perpendicular to the line of sight should be
comparable in their size with radial velocities, and if that would be so, we
should see much bigger angles transposed by stars, if the universe is so
small, as I see it. Not so: First of all, if the universe is really expanding,
there should be a center (although relativists deny that by their tricky
space-geometry applied). However, as shown above, the radial velocities
are greatly in error, far to high. [In the letter to which Harald is responding,
I assumed that the stars are not fixed in stationary positions in the
sky but that the Doppler shifts might reflect a true motion and that motion
can be perpendicular to the line of sight just as likely as along the line of
sight. I fail to see what Harald's response has to do with my original
question. He consistently assumes that Doppler shift = cosmological
redshift, which is absolutely not the case. Indeed, it follows from my
derivation of Harald's Doppler shift in question 4 that in Harald's
universe there should be as many blue shifts as redshifts; something
which is not observed except for the stars in the Milky Way: all of which
is consistent with a large universe.]
Figure 3
6)Question: please let me know the reference, where by VLBI it
HAS been shown what concerns parallaxes of stars, that the small
universe is wrong. It does not suffice to point to the precisions of the
VLBI method. You must show me REAL measurements done! But even
if it would have been measured, it would come out completely different,
if the earth does not orbit the sun! [I know that very-long-baseline-
interferometry (VLBI) has not shown parallaxes. That is my point. There
are no references to any such parallaxes which, according to information
supplied by Thomas van Flandern, should be detectable if the stars are
only light months from earth. In other words, my original point was that
if the universe is 25 to 50 light days across, VLBI would show parallaxes.
Of course, that doesn't mean that anyone's specifically looked for them,
but they are well within the resolution of the equipment. That parallax
would have nothing to do with whether or not the earth orbits the sun or
whether the stars accompany the sun in a yearly motion about the earth.
Any parallaxes detected by VLBI, whether in the large or small universe
models, would be an earth-based absolute parallax. Such parallax
measurements would be taken instantaneously, not six months apart
(Figure 3).]
7)You would like to see, how the stars can produce the spectra observed.
AGAIN: todays spectra analysis FIRST of all has to show me,
that its claims to describe the real surface of a star is correct! [Argument
by transference. It's up to the challenger to prove his point, not the
reverse, and Harald is the challenger. Evidence for the current spectral
analysis includes not only the sun's surface but any spectroscopy lab
anywhere in earth (see the iron lines on the front cover photo whose caption
starts on page 3).] As far as I see (and you see), there comes out
each year a new volumes of better interpretation of star spectra.
[Again, no references offered. As a result, I don't see that, but I doubt
if the fundamental issues are at stake. What usually transpires is talk
about how to group stars into spectral (temperature) and luminosity
(intrinsic brightness) categories. Most problems involve emission lines
which may come from the star's atmosphere or a shell surrounding the
star and being blown out from the star, or due to gas between us and the
star. Thus the arguments and uncertainties are about details, not the
fundamentals.] Please go to your next university library and check that
out. They only CLAIM to give an appropriate picture of the real situation.
[They make an honest admission, don't they. By contrast, Heinze
claims proof when he has none. They use words like model and
theory. Of course, they've never gone to the surface of a star, but,
then, neither has Harald Heinze.] I do not see, how smaller stars could
not be interpreted just as well! But also once again: Alfven's and his
school's finding on plasma physics has NOT been taken into consideration.
Please take up ANY text book on astrophysics and show me, how
many pages (if one single at all!) is devoted to the findings of Plasma
physics! [What findings are you talking about? Harald proffers no
references. Before Alfven's discoveries of the sixties and beyond
astrophysicists already acknowledged that stars are plasmas.] Also you
in your new book on geocentricity did not mention it WITH ONE
SINGLE WORD! [My book did not deal with stars except in the context
of geocentricity. Stellar structure was not an issue, though the distribution
of stars about the earth (or sun, if you prefer) was an issue. Why
make a long book longer with topical irrelevancies? Or are you suggesting
that I ignored the topic as part of a cover-up?] Although you know,
that you describe only 1% of astrophysical reality and leave out 99% of
applied plasma physics!, 99% and more is in the plasma state! [Even if
correct, that neither proves nor disproves either of us. So what's the
point? Astrophysicists talk about stellar atmospheres and stellar
interiors. What are they supposed to call these states of plasma?
Outer plasmas and inner plasmas? Or how about rarefied plasmas
and dense plasmas? Why change one's vocabulary when one loses
precision in the process?]
8)Again: star spectra. Small stars can have comparable temperatures,
density of the photosphere, collisions etc. (on big and small star
surfaces). I do not see, why you make such a point of that. There are
claimed giant stars with a very thin atmosphere and smaller ones of
claimed only about 1 to 3 million km. diameter, and both have comparable
parameters (in the spectra). But now take into account, what I
have written above about the ballistic theory of light and you see, that
you can forget todays spectral analysis of stars. Show me an interpretation
of the analysis of one single star and I can show you in many
cases several competing interpretations of the same star! [Spectral
analysis has to do with associating lines in the spectrum with the elements
which produce those lines (see page 3 of this issue). It deals with
the Doppler effect in only a superficial way. As we've seen, what Heinze
has proposed runs contrary to observation. What I've been asking for is
some way that Harald's plasma model can give the observed spectra instead
of continuous, featureless spectra or purely emission line spectra.
Plasma confined by a magnetic field (small universe stars are too small
to be held together in any other known way) would not hold neutral,
atomic hydrogen or any other neutral molecules for very long. My question
is, how does Harald account for the presence of these neutral elements?
His response reveals that he does not understand my question.
How can a small star produce the spectra reproduced on the cover of this
No, I do not have a check of the spectra of small stars, simply, because
they are so many! [By check he means confirming model. I
wonder if Heinze would let me claim that I need not have a model of a
large star because there are so many of them?] And I do not know the
individual diameters and many other parameters of the small stars. [Why
not, they've been published in magazines like Sky and Telescope as
well as occasionally in the Bulletin of the Tychonian Society and the
Biblical Astronomer. So I can give you sizes based on observation. For
a small universe stars are going to be about the size of planets.] But I
can show you, that they do not contradict physical laws. [If Heinze
doesn't know the diameters and other physical parameters of small
stars, as he admits in the previous sentence, how can he show anything of
the kind?] I mentioned in my last letter, that the GASEOUS outer
planets, Saturn and Jupiter, EMIT more energy than they receive from the
sun. See? Is there fusion going on in these planets' interior? Not according
to todays astrophysicists. But fusion can go on in their atmospheres
or electromagnetic radiation due to differential rotation. [Reference,
please. See Biblical Astronomer No. 70, 1994, p. 22 for an analysis of
the overabundant energy. It's shown there that even the gravitational
energy of the planet can maintain its power for millions of years.] Do
you really think, it is by chance, that there is a trend, that faster spinning
stars are hotter? [No. Indeed, it was that very observation which finally
led me to the discovery of the firmament. The stars obey a mass/spin-
energy (angular momentum) relationship which led me directly to the
Enclosed copies from Varshni speak for themselves. Alone with those
findings, the universe would be about 1000 to 1 Million times smaller.
[Two abstracts from two papers by Varshni were included.3 One
speculated that quasars are supermassive stars and that the nebulosities
about quasars are due to mass loss from the stars mistaken for quasars.
Recent photographs from the corrected Hubble Space Telescope fail to
confirm the nebulosities about quasars, however. Most, if not all, appear
to be due to exposure artifacts or the earth's atmosphere.
The second paper points out several nebulosities which may have had
misidentified emission lines and may actually be clouds of gas
(nebulosities) within the Milky Way. I have no problem with that, having
wondered about that myself from time-to-time. Varshni's paper does not
deny the existence of galaxies external to the Milky Way. Varshni's
theory still requires a large universe so the papers are scant help for
Harald. Harald's concluding sentence follows about as much from the
abstracts as does the claim that the moon is made of green cheese.
A model of a small star?
As part of the response to Harald's technical brief, I started work on
developing the theory for the structure of a small star. However, since
I'm completely in the dark as to which of the many Alfven papers Mr.
Heinze sees as his key support, it makes no sense to pursue the models
any further. So far, all the stars fly apart catastrophically, but that is not
conclusive without adding the correct magnetic bottling parameters.
Should the proper parameters be provided, I'll publish the results,
perhaps as a technical brief to members.
E.g., in The Geocentric Papers, (see back cover for availability.)
30 km/sec true speed = 3x106 cm/sec. The light ray is emitted in
10-14 sec. As seen from earth, at its maximum in 10-14 second, the
speed changes as GM/R2 = 52 cm/sec2 which, in 10-14 sec. sums to a
speed of 5.2 x 10-13 cm/sec.
Varshni, Y. P., 1988. The nature of nebulosity around quasars, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 20:733. Ibid., No redshift in galaxies either, p. 1003.