I have a whole sheaf of material to report on, but not enough space to
do so in a single issue, so most of it will have to wait for the next one. In
this issue I present a brief article on the aurorae and the earth's magnetic
field. Although this is not immediately of either geocentric or creationist
importance, yet there is the potential there for it to be significant to either
concern. Suffice it to say, for the moment, that there could be some biblical
significance and speculations on such are included in the article.
And then there is a reprint of a hard-to-get article, a transcript of a
taped interview with the late Dr. Frank Logsdon. Dr. Logsdon was co-
founder of the New American Standard Version. In this interview Dr.
Logsdon renounced all association with the New American Standard Version
, one of the darlings of modern evangelicals and fundamentalists.
I've taken the liberty of reprinting this interview because the primary purpose
of the Biblical Astronomer is to encourage the belief that God wrote
what he meant and meant what he wrote in the Bible, and that God has
preserved the Bible to this very day.
Lord willing, in the next issue we will present a paper by a South
African missionary, Philip Stott, which he presented to a group of
academicians and scientists at Sochi on the Black Sea in the summer of
1993. The article deals with the philosophical aspects of modern science
and goes on to show how science has been politicized this century by
virtue of its religious preferences. The observational facts of science
must now conform to the religiously (politically) correct view or else
be summarily dismissed. Additionally, in future issues we shall, Lord
willing, look at the latest Hubble telescope results which run into the face
of the big bang model. We shall also look at a theory of theories, which
will give us insight into the problems of theories about origins and why
they are difficult, if not impossible to prove.
Last, but not least, the Association for Biblical Astronomy now has a
European distributor from which copies of Geocentricity may be ordered.
The price is £12 postpaid from Brian V. Lamb, Quarryside, Castletown,
Caithness, Scotland KW14 8SS. European readers are encouraged to order
from Brian as the price is comparable and they will receive their orders
sooner than ordering from Cleveland. Support your local
geocentrist! |