That the sun and planets exhibit aberration
present us with the proof against Walter van der Kamp's thesis that aberration
is actually a parallax. If Walter's interpretation is correct, the
planets and the sun should not participate in the 20.496 aberration because
they are too close to the earth. Since they do, Walter's model
requires the planets and the sun all to be 58 light-days from the earth, the
same distance as the stars. This runs afoul of all evidence, including the
U.S.A. and former U.S.S.R.'s space programs unless, of course, one
wants to claim some grand conspiracy on the part of scientists and engineers
around the world. I know of no such conspiracy, nor any reason
to suspect one.
There is another, lesser problem with Walter's model. Unless the
stars were all exactly the same distance from earth, there will be slight
differences in their parallax. Indeed, such differences are detected. The
problem is that the differences are 90-degrees out of phase with aberration.
In other words, if aberration were a parallax, and if, for example, it
were pointing in the general direction of the constellation Pisces, then the
differences in parallaxes resulting from slight differences in distance
would also be in the direction of Pisces or, if further away than the
reference stars, in the opposite direction, namely to Virgo. If, on the
other hand, aberration is due to a form of Fresnell drag, then the parallax
due to differences in the stars distances should be at right angles to it. In
other words, if aberration is in the direction of Pisces then parallax will
be in the Scorpius-Gemini direction. It is the latter which is observed,
not the former.
In conclusion, although we conclude that the true nature of stellar
aberration is not really understood, there is enough evidence to conclude
that aberration cannot be interpreted as a parallax and, thus, as evidence
for a small universe.
The bible that is developed by the antichrist will be applauded as fully in
keeping with the high tech age. Further, New Age citizens will be told
that New Age scriptures can be changed when ever new scientific discoveries
suggest revisions are needed.
Texe Marrs, Dark Secrets of the New Age, p. 193.
A similar arrogance exists today with regard to repeating the
Michelson-Morley experiment in outer space.
See Geocentricity, advertised on the back cover of this issue.
American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1968 pp. x and 485.