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Converting Published C14 Ages to the Biblical Time Scale

Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D.

I have often wished for a simple way to convert evolutionary ages into a time frame consistent with the 6,000-year actual age of the earth. At last I have been able to gather enough information to create a program to do just that, at least, insofar as C14 dates are concerned. The program is written in C and the source code follows. Members will find a diskette with a copy enclosed in their issue. (Sorry, this is only available in DOS format.) Because they have a better chance of surviving the mail, and because they are the current standard, only 3.5-inch diskettes are sent. If any member needs a 5.25-inch format, just drop us a note and we will ship it to you. Non-members desiring a copy of the program may order one for $6.00 postpaid. To run the program, simply type C14 followed by one or more of the carbon-14 dates to be corrected. For example:

c14 5300 10000 6600

The formula used is as follows:

R = t - 8.26 ln[1 - 0.99 e-3.52(4.35 - t)]

Where R is the radiometric time and t is the true time. The equation is solved for t by iteration. The program assumes that the Biblical chronology is correct, that the creation is about 6,000 years old, and that the flood was 1656 years after the creation. Since artifacts and coal dating from the flood give a radiocarbon age of about 40,000 years, we have normalized the equation to that point as the high end. Particularly, the flood year was about 2345 B.C., or 2348 B.C. in Usher's chronology (”U's flood year” in the table). For those without a computer we provide the following table to which published radiocarbon dates may be matched.

Published  Actual  B.C. date
age (yrs)   age

2,002      2,000         1
2,500      2,489       488
3,000      2,943       942
3,500      3,297     1,296
4,000      3,530     1,530

4,100      3,566     1,565
4,200      3,598     1,598
4,300      3,628     1,628 
4,400      3,656     1,655 
4,500      3,682     1,681 

4,600      3,706     1,705 
4,700      3,728     1,728 
4,800      3,749     1,748 
4,900      3,768     1,768 
5,000      3,787     1,786 

5,100      3,804     1,804 
5,200      3,821     1,820 
5,300      3,836     1,836 
5,400      3,851     1,850 
5,500      3,865     1,864

5,600      3,878     1,877 
5,700      3,891     1,890 
5,800      3,903     1,902 
5,900      3,914     1,914 
6,000      3,925     1,925 

7,000      4,014     2,013 
8,000      4,076     2,076 
9,000      4,123     2,122 
10,000     4,159     2,159 
12,000     4,212     2,212 

14,000     4,248     2,248 
16,000     4,274     2,273 
18,000     4,292     2,292 
20,000     4,306     2,306 
25,000     4,328     2,328 

30,000     4,339     2,339 
35,000     4,345     2,345 (flood year)
40,000     4,349     2,348 (U's flood year)
41,000     4,349     2,348 (U's flood year)

It will be noted that after 2,000 years there is only a 2-year difference between the actual and the computed age. Ages older than those tabulated “blow up” in the program.

The source code

C-14 source code.

Translated from WS2000 on 4 February 2006 by ws2html.